We request that children are dressed tidily for school; ideally this would include a 'Stoke Canon' red sweatshirt which can be purchased from the School Office.
Girls - grey skirt or trousers, Boys - grey trousers
Tailored shorts are optional, as are red and white checked dresses
Stoke Canon red sweatshirts.
White shirt or polo shirt. Red also acceptable
Girls - red cardigans in summer
Shoes - black sensible outdoor shoes - trainers are not permitted
P.E. kit is essential !
White tee shirt (optionally with Stoke Canon logo, available through the
School Office at an approximate price of £4.50).
Navy or black shorts
Trainers and/or plimsolls clearly labelled
Football kit (optional)
Key stage 2 pupils - long black socks for games (school teams wear black shorts and socks)
PE bags - available in office
Book bags - Red up to year 2, £4.00 each.
Blue for years 3-6, £4.60 each.
…. and, PLEASE Label All Your Child's Clothing Clearly!