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Stoke Canon CofE Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together through Compassion, Integrity and Kindness

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Speaking and Listening


Early Years through to Key Stage 2


The Four Strands of Speaking and Listening permeate the whole curriculum

1. Speaking;

2. Listening

3 Group Discussion

4 Interaction and Drama


  • Interactive teaching strategies are used to engage all pupils in order to raise reading and writing standards.
  • Children are encouraged to develop effective communication skills in readiness for later life.
  • These standards  and skills taught in the English lesson are transferred into other subjects; this shows consolidation and a deeper understanding of how and when to use these specific skills.
  • Regular opportunity to talk about their learning in all subjects.
  • Chance for work to be read aloud and evaluated amongst peers.
  • Scaffold speaking opportunities for less confident pupils (TAs, interventions, ICT etc.


Speech and Language Development

  • We currently identify children who need extra support in all year groups and use Speech and Language Link's assessments and programmes to provide each child with targeted support.  

  • In September 2021 will be introducing the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) for children in Reception who would benefit from targeted support to develop their oral language skills.



  • Stories are read to the children on a daily basis throughout the school. In Key Stage Two classes this takes the form of a class novel. Recently, each class has begun to develop a class bank of up to 20 good quality books that will be read regularly at story time throughout the school year so that children become familiar with good quality texts and a pick up a range of vocabulary. 