Reading in Early Years and Key Stage 1
- In Autumn 2020 we introduced Read, Write, Inc phonics with the support of the English Hub. We introduced the reading in September 2020 and then added the writing in January 2021. We feel this whole school approach will give a firm foundation in reading before the children progress through accelerated reader.
- RWI phonics were introduced to our Pre School children in Summer 21 before the children enter Year R.
- Children who are identified as needing extra support to meet age related expectations receive one to one tutoring several times a week by a member of staff.
- Books- children recieve reading material that is matched to the phonics that they have been learning in their reading group. Children begin with sound blending books, then ditties and move through a RWI colour bands based on regular assessments carried out by staff. Once children have completed Grey they are then able to access accelerated reader books.
Reading in Key Stage 2
- We have also used Read, Write, Inc as an intervention strategy in Year 3/4 and 5 this may as part of a RWI reading group or a 1.1 tutoring programme. The approach to phonics is used alongside other strategies to promote the importance of reading.
- Books - Children complete regular Accelerated Reader assessments to help direct children to books that will provide a suitable level of challenge for each child.
- Reading interventions support pupils such as Wordblaze, Star Reader and Accelerated Reader.
Reading - Whole School
- Library – We have created an inspiring library, geared towards delivering a wide breadth of curriculum. Our school library is run by Mrs Bellworthy and Mrs Brown. Each child visits the library on a regular basis to change their book. Teachers regularly give input to the class about how to use the library effectively and also offer guidance on book choice.
Class books:
- Stories are read to the children on a daily basis throughout the school. In Key Stage Two classes this takes the form of a class novel. Recently, each class has begun to develop a class bank of up to 20 good quality books that will be read regularly at story time throughout the school year so that children become familiar with good quality texts and a pick up a range of vocabulary.
Role models and authors:
- Reading is not only celebrated in classrooms , but also around school. You will find displays which celebrate authors and children’s favourite books. In addition, throughout the school year the importance of reading is enhanced through World Book Day, together with author and poet visits.
- Devon Schools Library Service visit the school to present the best new reads to all classes. Pupils help choose books during library swap, promoting engagement in reading.
Speech and Language:
- We currently identify children who need extra support in all year groups and use Speech and Language Link's assessments and programmes to provide each child with targeted support.
- In September 2021 will be introducing the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) for children in Reception who would benefit from targeted support to develop their oral language skills.
Links with our Parents:
- Each child has a reading record book which logs books they have read and comments about their reading, which parents and teaching staff write in.
- Parents are informed about how to support their child to read at home in several ways including:
- A RWI parents page on Google classroom, which has many videos and support documents on hand for parents to watch and read at their convenience.
- Letters and activity sheets in order to help explain what children are learning at school
- Regular parent RWI meetings throughout the school year.
- Parents are highly encouraged to read at home every day with their child.
- We welcome parents readers who prior to Covid would come in on a regular basis to hear children read.