Characteristics of Learning
Alongside WHAT children learn, we also think about HOW children learn, using the Characteristics of Effective Learning. All children learn and approach tasks differently.
Playing and Exploring - engagement
- Finding out and exploring
- Playing with what they know
- Being willing to have a go
- A 4 year old enjoys watching eater go through a water wheel and tries various jugs before settling on one that pours neatly into the top. They have explored and played with something they know.
Active learning – motivation
- Being involved and concentrating
- Keeping trying
- Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
- A 3 year old gets out a jigsaw and looks carefully at which shapes match together, and will try various holes before finding the right place. They are concentrating and continue trying.
Creating and thinking critically - thinking
- Having their own ideas
- Making links
- Choosing how to do things
- A 2 year old wants a biscuit, so finds a chair to be able to climb up and get the biscuit tin. They have chosen what to do and come up with their own ideas.