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Stoke Canon CofE Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together through Compassion, Integrity and Kindness

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Seven Areas of Learning


Here at Stoke Canon we learn across all seven areas of learning each day, often all at the same time. Below is a short explanation of this in practice.


Communication and Language: All individual children's levels of communication are well supported. We know how important it is to be able to communicate with each other, sharing ideas and knowledge. Children daily get the opportunity to share stories and rhymes. Language is all around us and is a fundamental part of our daily activities and role play, developing speaking and listening.


Physical Development: Children enjoy being active. Here we provide a range of activities that promote the development of gross and fine motor skills. We have PE sessions where we follow the leap into life programme and Reception also have sessions run by premier sports. The skills developed during these activities supports the development of pencil grip and control in preparation to begin writing and drawing. Children are also supported to become independent in their self care and have an understanding of taking care of their personal  belongings. 


Personal Social and Emotional Development: Our setting is a very relaxed, happy and safe place for children to grow and learn. We share celebrations together and support each other to explore and develop. Children share ideas about what they would like to learn and we provide resources and activities to scaffold this. Children are well nurtured to become confident to make friends, communicate their wants and needs and play freely. All children are included, valued and well supported.


Literacy: We provide a selection of books to suit age, interests and topics we are learning. Stories are shared each session and children also visit the school library choosing books to take home. During phonics we teach letters and sounds each session, developing the fundamental skills required for future reading, writing and learning. We have print displayed throughout the setting on posters, signs, labels, instructions and displays for children to explore. 


Maths: Maths resources are available throughout the continuous provision There are lots of opportunities to learn numbers, shape, size, counting and talk about maths. Children enjoy singing counting songs counting up and down, using fingers to represent numbers. Children will notice and comment on numbers, shapes and patterns when exploring and investigating during activities and play. Reception children use the White Rose Maths scheme to guide their learning in small steps towards the ELG's.


Understanding the World: Opportunities are provided for children to talk freely about their homes, families and traditions. Our continuous provision provides homecorners to support this. Outside children have the opportunity to explore growth and change, bugs and insects. A good selection of construction is available inside and out for building, balancing and creating enclosures. Children will get to operate age appropriate IT resources and will ask to use the camera to capture their work. Reception children also use the Chrome Books once a week to become familiar with mouse and typing skills, through the playing of maths or phonics games.


Expressive Art and Design: Through activities and resources, we provide many ways for children to express  their creative skills and use their imagination.  We enjoy circle games, exploring instruments and the different sounds they make, singing and dancing. Through open ended resources children display their imagination to build, balance and create with an adult nearby for support if needed. 
