Modern British Values
Our School
School Values
Modern British Values are taught alongside our School Values and through our theologically rooted vision.
British values in our curriculum
We agree with the Department for Education’s five part definition of British Values:
• Democracy
• The rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
At Stoke Canon C of E Primary you will find that these values permeate our everyday school life. This is how we frame our response to these values:
The Pupil’s voice is very important at Stoke Canon C of E Primary School. We have an Ethos Group made up of pupils from Year 5 and 6 who involve younger pupils in lots of activities. In July 24 the pupils held an 'inclusion day' instead of our normal prayer spaces as they felt it was more inclusive and
We celebrate always celebrate Parliament Week and in the past we have looked at all aspects of voting and democracy. We learnt about democracy by having a whole school vote and we debated the use of plastic plates in our school kitchen. We all voted to make a change to china plates and bowls but we recycled our plastic trays and now use them for painting!
Two of our pupils took part in a Newsround video which appealed to World Leaders about COP26 and we made a 'Democra-tree' with all our wishes and pledges for the future. We realise that our voices can make a difference.In 23/24 we had workshops on climate change and all key stage 2 classes visited the recycling centre. Looking after our Earth is an important part of our school and our relationship to the world is a key part of our Spirituality Policy.
We talk to pupils to find out what the children think and feel about things like homework, pastoral care, peer, playground equipment etc. Giving a sense of ownership to the children encourages them to use their voice whilst understanding the role of democracy in school and so within the context of our society. We are planning a visit to Parliament with year 5/6 in Autumn 24.
The Rule of Law
In assemblies we have been learning about the rule of law and how rules keep us safe. We already encounter rules and laws in their lives both in and outside of school. We ensure that everyone understands that whether these laws govern the class, the school, the neighbourhood or the country, they are set for good reasons and why we follow them. We also consider how rules need changing at times when they are unfair. We learn about the lives of people like Rosa Parkes and Emmeline Pankhurst who have challenged laws that have been unfair. We talk about appropriate ways to challenge laws and get your voice heard. This understanding of the importance of rules will be taught consistently through our curriculum. The involvement of our pupils in the creation of the school rules helps them to understand the reasons behind rules and the consequences if rules are broken. Through philosophical enquiry in PSHE and citizenship lessons, we give the children opportunity to debate and discuss the reasons for laws so that they can recognise the importance of these for their own protection.
Individual Liberty
We have a very positive culture in our school, where children feel safe and where they feel that they have a choice. In lessons, learning tasks are often left for the child to decide upon. We encourage children to choose the task that will challenge them, giving them more freedom to determine their own learning. We offer a range of clubs which pupils have the freedom to choose from, based on their interests. Through our E-Safety, philosophy and PSHE sessions, we educate children on their rights and personal freedoms as well as supporting them in recognising how to exercise these freedoms safely.
Mutual Respect
This is a key element to our school ethos and it is expected that children show respect to the staff and to their fellow pupils. All adults in school model respect and encourage the children to see ‘the other point view’. Respect is not subject to race, religion, ability or disability: our children are expected to understand that these are not reasons to treat someone differently and consequently incidents of bullying are very rare.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs: We have several families from different cultures and faith backgrounds -these we respect and celebrate. We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions are studied and respected and parents and leaders of different faiths are welcomed to the school to share their beliefs. We take the children to visit places of worship for different faiths and we believe that tolerance is gained through knowledge and understanding. Through the routines of our daily school life, and through the curriculum, we aim to demonstrate tolerance, and help our children to become citizens with an understanding and tolerance of all faiths and beliefs.
Modern British Values in our school
Holocaust Memorial Day-Yr 5/6
Yr 5/6 learnt about Holocaust Memorial Day on Thursday 27th January. They have drawn their thoughts on Holocaust Memorial Stones.
Easter Prayer /Reflection for all children in The Church and Bridge.
Several activities for the children to take part in retelling the Easter Story. This prayer and reflection was assisted by Rev Tim Collins.
Summer Prayer/Reflection in The Church/Bridge with several activities for the children to take part in. These included prayers around the world and pinpointing places on the world map. Acts of kindness on a hand. Writing a postcard and drawing which we intend taking to the residents of a local residential home which will brighten up their day. This act of worship and reflection was assisted by Rev Julia Hocking.