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Stoke Canon CofE Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together through Compassion, Integrity and Kindness

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Royal Coronation Competition

Dear Parents,

As part of our celebration for the Coronation we are holding a 'Recycle Crown' competition. As King Charles has spent his life supporting charities that look after our environment then we thought it only fitting that we make a crown out of recycled materials. You can use cereal boxes,bottle tops or anything you have at home! Please could all entries be in school by Thursday 4th May for judging please. One crown will be chosen to 'crown' the king in our service on Friday 5th May led by Rev.Collins. The crown pictured below will be the crown used in the real ceremony on Saturday 6th May so this might give you some inspiration. There will be small prizes for the winners in each class. 


Kind regards,

Louise Herbert
