School Events 24/25
Inclusion Day
A meeting with the Ethos Group (pupils from Year 5/6)with Rev Tim Collins discussed their ideas and then the whole school were involved in the Inclusion Day with the different activities.
The Parable of the Sower. September 2024
Two workshops by Daisi for all classes based on art work for "The Parable of the Sower".
The finished tapestry/mural ready for display in the school.
KS2 Visit to Royal Albert Museum Exeter.
The Odyssey Experience.
Planting at Ashclyst Forest with National Trust-Yr4/5.
Harvest Festival in Stoke Canon Church
Each class either sang a song or read their own prayers or poems based on Harvest. Many thanks to the parents who generously gave donations to The Exeter Food and St Petrocs and to the parents who attended the service.
Celebrating Sukkot
This is a Jewish festival in October when families celebrate for seven days and eat their food in a Sukkah. The Sukkah was built in Yew Class (Yr 1/2) and the children were able to take it in turns to eat their school dinner or packed lunch in the Sukkah.
Armistice Service at Rewe Memorial attended by Yr 5/6.
A poppy wreath was laid on behalf of the staff and pupils of Stoke Canon Primary School.
Walkability Training-KS2.
Devon County Council attended the school giving Theory and then Practical training to the children to keep safe when walking.
Remembrance Flower Beds
The local CARE group kindly donated the plants for the children to be able to plant a Remembrance garden in the flower beds at the front of the school. Each class was involved in the planting and will be enjoyed by everyone.
Yew Class (Yr 1/2) visited Killerton Gardens and House. They explored the grounds. They were able to enjoy all the Xmas decorations around the grounds and house.