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Stoke Canon CofE Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together through Compassion, Integrity and Kindness

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Spirituality in the Curriculum

Spirituality in the Curriculum


Spirituality across the Curriculum



 At Stoke Canon C of E Primary School, we inspire spiritual development in reading by encouraging our children to read diverse, thought-provoking texts which develop their ability to respectfully discuss, question and comprehend our world. In providing books to appeal to all interests and to reflect (and sometimes challenge) our values, we are broadening our children’s perspectives of the world, their empathy and understanding of each other, and their ability to respect different views, faiths and cultures. We have a special wellbeing section which we have developed to support pupils who are struggling and to help them make sense of challenging emotions. We give our children the opportunity to go on exciting journeys of discovery through literature which helps our children reflect upon their place in our world: spiritually, emotionally and socially. It gives children the opportunity to discuss human values, empathy, and ethical dilemmas which spark discussions about inner growth and relationships.




 At Stoke Canon C of E Primary School allows the children to develop their spirituality by seeking a connection to an abstract concept in poetry, non-fiction or through stories. It also allows them to share their personal thoughts or empathise with others through writing, role play and debating. Writing allows the children to be creative and use their imagination and to appreciate the beauty of language in a range of texts.




 In Maths we promote spiritual development by promoting a mastery approach using the White Rose scheme, enabling all children to learn and enjoy maths and deepen their understanding of key ideas needed to underpin future learning. Learning is supported and scaffolded through discussion, questioning and tasks. Collaboration is encouraged when exploring new concepts, where children support and value each other’s ideas to build stem sentences as an aid to learning. Noticing the positive and encouraging children to share misconceptions is encouraged.
